Cherry/Scott Adventures

Our extraordinary adventures at home and abroad !!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sandwich Harbor - Tallest Sand Dunes in the World

The whole crew - except me - left to right - Jo, Tanja, Scott, Jason, Niken & Julien - Oh and of course the trusty Land Rover (got to get one of these)
Once we climbed up top of this huge dune - the tide was coming in and spilling over the ledge of harden clay - just gorgeous!

Trying to show just how tall the dunes in the back ground and we were already up on top of the closest dunes that we could get to.

Julien - just kidding around - I think?

Out of order again - Julien just getting to the top!

Jason just getting to the top - didn't spill a drop of his beer!!!!

Up on top of the world of sand!
Surfing !
A different type of surfing - Julien and Niken!
Our trusted guide and driver - Joseph and Tanja - Native Namibians!

Pile up on top!
Acting up a bit ladies!
We didn't get out of the driveway in time to get past the narrow crossing - Jo and Scott surveying the risk - it just wasn't worth it! See how the dunes come right down to the water. You can see were the water is at high tide.

Dune Running!
Close quarters, but with lots of humor - No we didn't have any fun !



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