Cherry/Scott Adventures

Our extraordinary adventures at home and abroad !!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Britt & Martin's Visit to Far East - Part 2

He looked fresh, but I was hurting big time - Storming outside - having to drive back from Singapore without Scott - he will join us later on this night in KL.

Oops, maybe I spoke too soon !!  :)

After getting to the house, we had only about 2 hours before we were expected down at the Waylan's (5 houses down from ours)  Jenny was so sweet to fix a BBQ that was over the top - she fixed all kinds of food - it was great.  But we were all bushed and still waiting on Scott to return from Perth - SORRY JENNY - we owe you a big one !!!
Wet Market in the local area - need to immerse yourself in the sights and smells of the country !!

Of course the wet market has the cheapest beer in town - why not - each have their own case  - Please !!!!

Off to the Landscaping Market !!

Martin feeding the venice fly trap plant an ant !!  It spit the ant back !!!

Who finds this strange  - Geese in Malaysia - a bit hot don't you think - Guess Not !!!

Off to Genting - to try and get up a bit cooler in the mountains !











Much needed relaxing !!
Tomorrow we are off to Batu Caves - and - The MONKEY'S for Britt.  We had to go two different days - guess the mornings are all about feeding them (even if they steal most of the food) vs the aftenoons when they are all sleeping.




Off to the Petronas Towers - Downtown Kuala Lumpur - we had to return later on in the evening to get the lights - no sky bridge closed due to holidays (too many people to control) !!!




Central Market in China Town - Our day was cut short due to rain - but they got a taste of what it's all about - we had fun !!!!


Here are a few photos of the streets here in KL !!!
And a few shots of Britt and Martin having fun on the streets of KL !!!!



Now home for a good nights sleep - early alarm 4am - drive to Tioman Island for some wonderful beach, sun and diving !!!
(see Part 3)








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