Cherry/Scott Adventures

Our extraordinary adventures at home and abroad !!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010 - Colorado Vacation

How's this for an opener!

Morning !

Camping at South Fork - just gorgeous and sooooo cooooolllll !!! Thank you !

Hmmm ! let me see - that sure is a big foot - hmmmm!

Yep ! is sure is big !

Scott testing the water - Yep it's ice cold !

Scott wanted this one !

Buffalo and their babies - there are quite a few buffalo herds in the area !

Scott taking care of business - as always on the job !

Del Norte welcoming committee !

Coyote along side the highway - waited for us to turn around and come back by slowly - thank goodness we were only in the Jeep at the time !

You can't really tell, but there is a very heavy fog hanging over the peaks just ahead !

You can't tell that he is happy to be out of the office - can you?

Creede, Colorado - beautiful place!

Here is our rig - we are really camping in style now - no more tents (well for a while anyway) !

The gorgeous Arkansas River - only 30 miles from our door - river rafting, fishing, etc.

Our first visitors - Scott's parents - Ken & Beverly - Welcome!

Camping in Westcliffe - Grape Creek RV park !

Storm brewin' !

Scott along side a very busy stream from about 12k feet up the roughest trail I have had the privilege to run - only 6.5 miles, but it took 4 hrs up and down!

Equipment left behind - don't know what it was used for!

Beautiful high mountain lake !

Nice calm lake at the top of our run - thank goodness I needed a break !

Cool Rock formation on BLM !

Scott scouting BLM for a good hunting spot!

Bear tracks? There were two one larger than the other - Mom and cub?

Real pretty flower this late int he year - Sept 1st !

Storm is rolling in!

All these guys are still in velvet and are right around the corner from our property !
How's this for a digital camera - of course we had to wait and wait and wait for him to decide to make his move!

Antelope on our property - Cool!
The view from our property - they really are closer than this photo shows - only 7 miles!

Scott was working me so hard that my gloves were standing wide open ! But I love it !

This was the last of a front that was blowing through in the Wet Valley!

This is what we came home too! Beautiful - but OH SO HOT!!!
